Sunday, 22 January 2017

Our idea updated

Due to our background research our opening sequence have changed and been molded into something new. Now we see that the sequence opens with the hero who is in his mid 40s and he is preparing breakfast and whilst he does this the credits appear for the film. In the house we see objects which also show what type of person he is like.  We then see that he turns on the radio and we hear the news that the Prime Ministers son has been kidnapped. The villain will have some connection to the prime ministers son. This radio carries over into the villains car where we hear the radio and then panic form the car boot as the victim is in the boot panicking.  In the car we see certain objects such as a pillow to denote that he lives in his car. The villain then gets out of the car and opens the boot and gets the victim out of the boot and warns him about making too much noise. He then gets him back in the car boot and drives off. The scene finishes with the hero receiving a call from his Ex-Boss where he is told he must solve this problem.

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