Sunday, 22 January 2017

Casting and costume preparation


Four out opening scene the cast(in order of appearance) will be as follows:

The Hero- John Kelsey

The Radio presenter- Dom Mguiniss 

The Villain- Oliver Cox

The Victim- Alex Grandage 

The Ex-boss- Matt Gallagher 


The Hero's costume- The hero will wear light coloured clothes for example whites and light blues as he is the good character and this will denote he is a good person however there may also be darker clothes to suggest he has a split personality. 

The villain's costume- The villain will wear dark cloths so he will wear black jeans and a black coloured shirt and jumper this will be done to denote that he is a bad person/ suggests darkness.

The victim's costume- The victim will wear light coloured clothes as he is a good character too and is however innocent.

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