Saturday, 21 January 2017

Background Research #9 Credits Font Research

Below are some possible fonts which we may use in our opening sequence for the credits of the people in the film and the when the film name "The Hunt" flashes up. We are yet to decide weather we want the text to just flash up or weather it will scroll onto the screen.

This first font I feel could be good as it shows that the film is a darker film as the clour is black and white which I feel should be the colour of the text. The splashes in the background don't give the text a clean feel however which I feel is important that the text does have a clean look.

 This text in my opinion is good for the final product as it has a clean look to it however it isn't absolutely straight which denotes that there may be some twists in the film, as it may not be what it seems.

 Finally this font is a font which we may well use as it is very straight which means that the font will suit the idea that it will scroll onto the screen as it looks more neat and typed whereas the other fonts look handwritten.

From looking at the fonts and choosing my three favorite fonts for the credits in the opening sequence I can see that the font used must denote something about the film itself and that if we want the text to scroll on to the screen then it is important that it looks like it could be typed and not handwritten.

All the fonts I got are form 1001

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