Thursday, 27 April 2017

Question 3

Question 3- What types of media institutes might distribute your media product and why?

The distributer that we chose for our product is Universal, this is mainly because they are known for helping out smaller companies by helping with the distribution process, such as our company (BOAMfilms). They have helped out smaller companies such as Working Title who were helped to distribute the film The Theory of Everything which made $123 million and over 50% of this was from outside the UK. Due to the support and money that they have used to get smaller budget films made by independent companies to be successes we thought they would be the best to distribute our film. Universal also have distributed other spy films such as the Borne films. To create excitement about the film we will make trailers to be released on YouTube and will also possibly have a Twitter chat so people can ask questions like how it was done with the Avengers (2012) although this was not an independent production company it was produced by Marvel and distributed by Disney it was a good and effective way to create build up around the film. We haven’t chosen a company such as Disney as it doesn’t suit their demographic and they aren’t known for helping companies through vertical integration.

For the film we will have it shown in around 100-150 UK cinemas and hopefully around 50 US cinemas so therefore a total of 200. However, depending on its success we may increase the number of cinemas it is distributed in. We will have around 5,000 copies made on DVD and maybe around 2,000 in Blu-ray but this will massively depend on the success of the film in the Box Office as we don’t want to make too many if it isn’t a success but we will still have room if we need more.

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