Characters have different representations in different genre's.
In the spy genre the genre convention of the hero is that he reacts to the donner (saves the day).They are alo usally a male.
The Villan's convention of a spy film is that he will eventually meet the hero in some form.
The Donner gives the hero something that will help him/her in some way.
In the spy genre men usally portray the villan and the hero and are also usally with males. They are also convayed as being more important that female characters and are 'brave.'
Women in the spy genre are usally portrayed being week, vulnerable, emotional, dependant, pretty, have a sexsual appeal and are innocent.
Class is also represented in genre as the upper class are portrayed as rich, snobby, well mannerd, intelligent.Wheras the lower class are workers and live in the inner city.
This will be uselful to me and my group as we know how to represent characters in our film as we can make them act a certain way depending on there class and we can also challeng the genre conventions to intreege our audience.
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