Thursday, 13 October 2016

Background research #1- Narrative and Cinema

I have researched our genre (spy films) by watching the opening scenes to films such a James Bond: Specter, Mission Impossible and many others. I have also looked up the genre conventions of these films and have found that they usually follow a linear narrative and are Classic Hollywood Cinema. This is because the villain is almost always defeated by the hero at the end of the film and it is not intellectually challenging for the most part, as well as the fact that the film is mostly in chronological order. Which is helpful as we can use these ideas for our films so that it will suit the genre and therefor please our target audience.
 Me and my group have made a questionnaire for people to fill in as well which will help us to find out what people like and don't like in a Spy film, this will be helpful for us to develop and plan our opening scene as these are both spy films.

Image result for mission impossibleImage result for james bond

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