Wednesday, 8 March 2017

The Radio Broadcast

In our project we will have a radio broadcast where the hero is sat in the living room and where the villain is in the car as it carries over. We want to try to make the sound as realistic as possible, we have the script for it however we may change it as it we have the realisation that it isn't how it would normal sound so we will develop a vague script to give the broadcaster the idea and let it happen naturally so it is realistic, this will therefore benefit the quality of the sound and diolouge of the opening sequence.

When my scene starts I want it to sound distant as the camera is not yet in the car and from research i can do this by changing the EQ of the audio so that it will sound thinner and then adding some echo or verb to give it the distant effect. This will be done in the shots which are from outside the car or not looking in.

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